Rank first on Google

According to researchers, the top 3 Google results receive 79% of all clicks, while the remaining 7 results share just 20% between them. In other words, more than three quarters of Google users never click past the first three results. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a term given to the different activities that a web developer can employ to raise your search engine ranking. Higher rankings mean more clicks, more clicks mean more customers and more customers mean more revenue.

Driving Visibility of your Website

When you use e-IGNiTION’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Team to increase your website traffic, you are unleashing the competitive drive of a group who like nothing better than to see their sites speed their way up the Search Engine pages towards the Number 1 spot through the application of best practice optimisation techniques.

SEO can place you directly in front of your target customers by helping search engines to find every page of your website, understand the subject of each of those pages and then present the site in such a way that it effectively captures the reader’s imagination. e-IGNiTION’s expert SEO consultants will optimise the content of your website so that visitors find the page that they want directly from Google, Yahoo, MSN or any of the other new content driven search forums.

Analysing the Links

Once our SEO Team has finished turning your website into a haven for search engine spiders, they turn their attention to your links. Identifying and arranging good quality links from other reputable websites whose content is related to yours and to what you do is the next stage of the optimisation process, and so we spend a great deal of energy ensuring that your link juice is tasty and full of website vitamins, with no ‘e numbers’ like 404. Web blogs,  RSS feeds and other emerging ‘Web 2.0’ tools can be used to improve things in this area; as always we will explain how these can help and recommend how best they would fit into your culture and strategy.

Content is King

The Team believes that high quality SEO is all about using the same language as your customers, so that once a visitor reaches your site, the information that they read is meaningful to them and relevant to what they are seeking. High rankings alone will not provide you with ‘conversions’, whatever that means to your business; we need to help you to turn visitors into customers, and that can be done by clearly articulating your website. Through solid and ethical ranking and link work we get the ‘horse’ to your site, through compelling landing pages, excellent editorial, clear content and attractive calls to action we help them to drink.

As at late 2008, Google controls almost 80% of the world-wide search market, so it makes sense that we focus our efforts initially on their engine, followed in turn by Yahoo and Microsoft Search. The good news is that the same best practice approaches lead to high rankings across all search engines; specifically these approaches include:

1. Search engine optimisation within your site (Titles, Tags, Headers, Content, Metadata)

2. Search engine optimisation of your site by developing external sources

3. Link analysis, building and removal of dead links

4. Newsletters and feeds that will naturally optimise

5. Content writing for your site that will incorporate recognised market keywords but still make sense

6. Training for your staff in what they can do to support optimisation

7. Monthly analytics reporting on site traffic, conversions and keywords

8. Analysis of your competitors and their websites

When we build your site, we do so with search engine and customer friendly content in mind, and our inclusive consultative process means that we do so with website integration into your wider marketing strategy in mind. Put simply, this ‘no short-cuts’ approach to our work will naturally bring with it high rankings and increased business.

A Perpetual Process of Improvement

As with good web design, there is no single fix, turnkey solution to search engine optimisation. SEO is an ongoing process that requires adjustment, reaction to changing customer requirements, awareness of emerging search engine algorithms and knowledge of evolving search techniques. To achieve consistent long-term SEO success, you need an integrated strategy and a willingness to make changes; with years of expertise and results that we can demonstrate, our SEO Team are the right people to help your web presence achieve its true potential.